Universidad Lobachevsky

Nizhni Nóvgorod, Rusia

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Información general
UNN es una de las mejores universidades líderes en Rusia. Hoy la Universidad Lobachevsky tiene 18 facultades e institutos y 4 grandes institutos de investigación. Cerca de 30 mil estudiantes de 97 países del mundo estudian en la Universidad, incluyendo alrededor de 900 estudiantes de posgrado y doctorado.

Campus y Ciudad

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Lista de facultades
Programas educativos enseñadas en ingles
Ingeniería de software




Relaciones Internacionales


Administración de Negocios

Relaciones Internacionales




Tecnologias informaticas


Programas de intercambio

Fecha límite de solicitud: 1 de julio: para el semestre de otoño; 1 de diciembre – para el semestre de primavera.

Programas de verano e invierno
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  • Verano en ruso
  • Tendencias y cambios en las relaciones internacionales (Russia goes global)
  • Los medios en un mundo multicultural
  • Rusia en un mundo cambiante
  • Negocios y Sociedad en Rusia
  • En el cruce de los imperios
Instituto de Estudios de Posgrado y Doctorado

Avenida Gagarin, 23, edificio 2, sala 270
Teléfono: +7 831 462-36-45
Correo electrónico: pgrad@unn.ru

Departamento de admisión y apoyo académico de estudiantes extranjeros

Avenida Gagarin, 23, edificio 2, sala 306
Teléfono: +7 831 462 35 21
Correo electrónico: admissions@unn.ru

Centro de Programas Educativos para Ciudadanos Extranjeros

Avenida Gagarin, 23, edificio 8, sala 203
Teléfono: ++7 831 462 34 50
Correo electrónico: rl@int.unn.ru

Departamento para el desarrollo de la cooperación internacional

Avenida Gagarin, 23, edificio 2, sala 402
Teléfono: +7 831 462 31 02
Correo electrónico: mobility@unn.ru


Avenida Gagarin, 23, edificio 2, sala 203
Teléfono: +7 831 462-30-03
Correo electrónico: rector@unn.ru


Vicerrectorado de Asuntos Internacionales  Alejandro B. Borísovich

Teléfono: +7 831 462 31 03
Correo electrónico: international@unn.ru



Application form
1. General information
As it appears on your passport or other official ID
Date of birth
Place of birth

Please provide details of your education - school / college /university.

Provide copies of certificates and transcripts where appropriate.

2. Accommodation
3. Residential information / Visas
Date of issue
Date of expiry
4. Home address (permanent residence)

Please indicate the location of the nearest Russian Embassy (Consulate), where you plan to obtain a Russian Visa

Do you currently have a Russian Visa?
Type, expiry date and Visa number:
Have you ever studied in Russia on a student visa?
Please give details
5. Declaration

I declare that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate. No information requested or other material information has been omitted. I consent to the storage and processing of this data by Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod.

I am aware that in the event of my submitting incomplete or inaccurate information, my application for admission will not be considered, and all the results I have received during my studies will be canceled (in case the applicant was enrolled at UNN).

I have been informed on the regulations of admission to UNN, on the tuition & accommodation fees.

I'm aware that after coming to Russia I must come to the International Students Office on the very first working day after arrival.

I am obliged to timely pay the tuition & accommodation fees.

I have been informed on the obligation to present a state-approved certificate of recognition confirming the correspondence of my foreign document on education to those issued by Russian educational institutions in order to enter UNN for undergraduate or postgraduate study.

I note that if I do not fully comply with these requirements, UNN has the right to cancel my application and I will have no claim against UNN in relation thereto.